If brands want to win over Gen Zers, you need to understand their mindset and values. Gen Zers are not just consumers, they are creators. They are not just followers, they are influencers. They are not just brand-conscious, they are brand-loyal. They care about authenticity, social impact, and personal expression. To appeal to them, brands need to offer a story, a community, and a purpose. Brands need to show them that you respect their opinions, support their causes, and celebrate their diversity. Brands need to be more than just a brand, you need to be a friend.

Who are Brand-conscious Followers

Brand-conscious followers are people who are loyal to a specific brand or product and who tend to purchase items based on the reputation and image of the brand rather than on their own preferences or needs. They are influenced by the marketing strategies and social media presence of the brand, and they often seek to emulate the lifestyle and values associated with it. Brand-conscious followers may also be motivated by a desire to fit in with a certain group or express their identity and status through consumption choices. 

Brand-conscious followers are influenced by social media and celebrities. They tend to value authenticity, diversity, and social responsibility in the brands they choose. However, they are not a homogeneous group and their preferences and behaviors vary depending on their age, location, culture, and personal identity. Therefore, marketers who want to reach this generation need to understand their motivations, needs, and aspirations, and tailor their messages accordingly. They are not loyal to brands by default, but they can be loyal to brands that resonate with them and offer them meaningful experiences.

Brand-conscious followers can be beneficial for a brand as they generate word-of-mouth publicity, positive reviews, and repeat purchases. However, they can also pose some challenges for a brand as they may have high expectations and demands, and they may switch to another brand if they perceive a decline in quality, innovation, or social relevance. Brand-conscious followers are critical resources. Not only are there a lot of them, but they tend to be early adopters of new products, services, and experiences. But they are a tough audience to keep. 

How can a brand win gen z brand-conscious followers?

According to McKinsey, Brand-conscious followers make up more than a quarter of Gen Zers in Indonesia. Brand-conscious followers love brands of all kinds and follow trends closely. This segment tends to prefer buying online because it’s more efficient. They know what they want and don’t invest extra effort in finding the best deals.

To win the gen z brand-conscious followers, a brand needs to do more than just sell a product or service. A brand needs to create a community, a culture, and a movement. A brand needs to engage with them on their preferred platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. A brand needs to collaborate with them on content creation, product development, and social causes. A brand must show them that they care about their interests, values, and future. And a brand needs to do all this in a genuine, consistent, and relevant way.

A brand that can do this will not only win the Gen Zers brand-conscious followers, but also earn their loyalty, their advocacy, and their trust. And that is the ultimate goal of any successful marketing strategy.

(SourceMcKinsey & Company,: What makes Asia–Pacific’s Generation Z different?)

Edwin Jonathans - Brand Power Plus


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