The creative expression once meant producing an original work molded by one’s imagination and the limitations of the physical experience. Now, Gen Zers are evolving the definition, thanks to their digital intuition and limitless inspiration from the internet. 

The Gen Zers are redefining what it means to be creative in the 21st century. 

Most Gen Zers have a penchant for traditional artistic hobbies such as painting, film, or playing an instrument—but online, these talents take on new forms. Taking cues from a world of online personalities and content, Gen Zers are manipulating and altering creative works to generate memes, photo collages, filters, and more. What’s more, they’re harnessing social apps and digital creative tools to visually enhance the way they communicate, whether it’s a casual note to their friends or a message of activism to their broader online community.

For the generation Z, creativity is not a separate or isolated activity, but a dynamic and diverse one. They express their creative potential through various channels and platforms, such as social media, video games, podcasts, blogs, and more. For example, they may use TikTok to create short videos that showcase their talents, humor, or opinions. They may also use Minecraft to build virtual worlds that reflect their imagination and interests. They are not limited by traditional boundaries or categories of artistic expression but rather explore and experiment with different forms and genres. 

They are also not afraid to collaborate and co-create with others, using technology to connect and share their ideas and feedback. Some Gen Zers are finding ways to monetize their output before they’ve even graduated from university, whether it’s through providing a Snapchat Lens creation service for brands and marketers, building a community on YouTube, or selling vintage wares on Depop.

Gen Z's creativity is driven by a desire to make a difference in the world

Gen Z's creativity is driven by a desire to make a difference in the world, to challenge the status quo, and to have fun along the way. Their creativity is not limited by traditional boundaries or norms but embraces experimentation, collaboration, and social impact. 

The digital age gives them access to information, tools, platforms, and communities that allow them to create and share their work with a global audience. Social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube allow Gen Zers to create and share original content, such as videos, memes, podcasts, and art, that showcase their talents, passions, and perspectives. By doing so, they not only entertain and inspire their peers but also reach and influence people from different generations, cultures, and backgrounds. For example, a Gen Zer who makes a viral TikTok video about a social issue or a personal story can spark a global conversation and raise awareness among millions of viewers. Similarly, a Gen Zer who creates a successful YouTube channel or Instagram account can build a loyal fan base and collaborate with other creators and brands across the world.

Another way that Gen Zers' creativity influences a global audience is through their involvement in social movements and causes that they care about. Gen Zers are often seen as socially conscious and politically active, as they use their creative skills and digital tools to advocate for change and justice. For instance, Gen Zers have played a key role in movements such as climate action, and mental health awareness, by creating and sharing content that educates, mobilizes, and empowers others to join them. Moreover, Gen Zers have also used their creativity to innovate and solve problems that affect their communities and the world at large. For example, some Gen Zers have developed apps, websites, and products that address issues such as healthcare access, education inequality, and environmental sustainability.

Gen Zers' creativity influences a global audience in various ways, as they use digital media to express themselves and connect with others. This has significant implications for the future of culture, communication, and commerce, as Gen Zers shape the trends, values, and norms of society. As such, it is important to recognize and support the creative potential of Gen Zers, as they are not only the consumers but also the creators of the future. 

(SourceJWT Intelligence in partnership with Snap Inc., Into Z Future, Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives)

Edwin Jonathans - Brand Power Plus


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