Disengaged conformists are passive: they just don’t care much about consuming. They want to spend as little time as possible shopping, and while they are happy to use discounts, they won’t make an effort to find them. Once they find something they like, however, they tend to stick with it.

The Most Challenging Segment for Brands to Reach and Engage

Disengaged conformists are people who follow the norms and expectations of society without questioning or challenging them. They tend to avoid conflicts and controversies and prefer to stay in their comfort zones. Disengaged conformists may lack motivation, creativity, or passion for their work or life. They may also miss out on opportunities for growth and development, as they do not seek feedback or new experiences. Disengaged conformists may be seen as reliable, obedient, or loyal by others, but they may also be perceived as boring, passive, or indifferent.

Disengaged conformists Gen Zers are a segment who follow the norms and expectations of their society without much enthusiasm or commitment. They do not question the status quo or challenge the authorities, but they also do not show much interest or passion in their work or life. They tend to be passive, indifferent, and apathetic, going through the motions of their daily routines without much purpose or meaning. Disengaged conformists may lack self-confidence, motivation, or creativity, or they may feel trapped or powerless in their situations. They may also experience boredom, dissatisfaction, or alienation from their peers or communities. Disengaged conformists are not necessarily unhappy or depressed, but they are not fully engaged or fulfilled either. They are simply conforming to the expectations of others without expressing their own individuality or potential.

The Smallest Yet Should Not Be Ignored

Disengaged conformists, as reported by McKinsey represent 4% of Gen Z in Indonesia, passive and indifferent to brands and shopping. They are not looking for new or exciting products, nor are they concerned about the social or environmental impact of their purchases. 

They tend to choose options that are familiar and comfortable. Disengaged conformists are less easily influenced by social media or peer pressure, and they do not express their personality or uniqueness through their consumption choices. They prefer to spend as little time shopping as possible, and they tend to stick with what they know and like.

To win over these customers, brands need to offer them simple and hassle-free solutions that meet their basic needs and expectations. Brands also need to communicate clearly and consistently with them and avoid overwhelming them with too many choices or information. Disengaged conformists are not loyal to any brand, they need to be approached with offers and product features that appeal to their pragmatic mindset. 

(SourceMcKinsey & Company,: What makes Asia–Pacific’s Generation Z different?)

Edwin Jonathans - Brand Power Plus


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